Disclosure Of Mohammed Bin Salman’s Addiction And Drug Trafficking

KABUL: (MEP) A Saudi prince who lives in Europe revealed that Saudi Arabia’s Deputy Crown Prince and Defense Minister Mohammad Bin Salman consumes psychotropic drugs on daily basis.

SALMANKABUL: (MEP) A Saudi prince who lives in Europe revealed that Saudi Arabia’s Deputy Crown Prince and Defense Minister Mohammad Bin Salman consumes psychotropic drugs on daily basis.

According to the report, The Saudi prince who lives in Europe wishing anonymity said that Mohammad Bin Salman’s dependence on psychotropic drugs is in a way that if his consumption is delayed then that will result in tics and psychological shocks. It was seen in his recent trip to France during a meeting with President Francois Hollande.

The Saudi prince went on to say that Muhammad Bin Salman is also a drug dealer.

It is said that Prince Abdul Mohsen Bin Walid bin Abdul Aziz who was arrested along with over two tons of drugs at Beirut Rafic Hariri International Airport is Mohammed Bin Salman’s main agent in drug trafficking. Prior to this, Mohammed Bin Salman’s agents have trafficked several drug shipments from Lebanon to different countries such as Iraq and Syria but the last shipment undeniably arrived in Lebanon. Abdul Mohsen and four others who were arrested while attempting to smuggle drugs confessed that the original owner of the shipment is Saudi Defense Minister.

The prince also said that they intended to smuggle about two tons of Captagon pills. Captagon is an amphetamine causing hyper exciting, euphoria, hallucinations, insomnia and overcome of depression.

It is worth mentioning that Strategic Culture Foundation, English think tank, in January 2015 released a report about the new rulers of Saudi Arabia in which Muhammad bin Salman’s role in drug trafficking and addiction was featured.


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