Daesh Have Attacked Kirkuk In Collaboration With Erdogan And Barzani

MEP: The captives from ISIL have confessed that they attacked Kirkuk with coordination and planning of Erdogan and Barzani.

Bitavan, an association from Western Azerbaijan, quoted from Soner Media, a media affiliated to the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan: Kirkuk security forces have revealed the conspiracy and the cooperation of Barzani and Erdogan for helping ISIL’s attack in Kirkuk by releasing a videotape from an ISIL Takfiri agent.

In this video, The ISIL agent confesses that they entered Kirkuk, according to Barzani and Erdogan’s scheduled plan for them.

This site have also quoted from another terrorist of ISIL: Our forces (ISIL) were alighted by a Turkish military helicopter, near the village Sari Tapa in southern Kirkuk, and then we penetrated into the city according to a previous coordination.

It needs to be noted that none of the KDP Peshmergas were killed in this attack and most of the losses were from the Patriotic Union (Jalal Taliban).

Ostad Rasul, one of the senior commanders of the Patriotic Union party also noted that the evidences indicate a plot for attacking Kirkuk, designed by internal and external factors.


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