Cancer Kills 15,000 Annually In Afghanistan: MoPH

Afghan-public-health-ministerKABUL: (MEP) Around 15,000 people are dying due to the dangerous disease ‘cancer’ every year in Afghanistan, Public Health Minister Ferozuddin Feroz speaking at a gathering marking World Cancer Day said on Wednesday.

“We will be able to control the spread of cancer up to 40 percent if the factors are prevented,” Feroz added.

World Health Organization (WHO)’s statistics showed around 20,000 Afghans contracted cancer each year, with a majority dying, according to the Health Minister.

Meanwhile, Maihan Abdullah, a medical doctor also said that firstly we will try to increase public awareness about the particular disease across the country including all provinces in which we have been busy processing it for the past 13 months.

“We have established committees which will conduct their activities in coordination with the MoPH,” he added.

Other sources indicate the deadly disease killed eight million people of the total 14 million infected on the global level.


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