Arming Ethnicities: A New Tactic of Treacherous Rulers to Extend the Life of Colonialism and Invasion

The First Deputy President and the Acting Governor of Balkh province is distributing weapons among Tajiks and Uzbeks, under the guise of fighting against the instability in the province. As well as the Second Deputy of the President also asked the government to allow him in order to distribute weapons among the Hazara community to fight against those causing destabilization.

Indeed to attain their long term objectives, the enemies of Muslims and Islam, are using the Afghan National Dis-unity Government to create divisions among the people of Afghanistan, so that like other Islamic lands i.e. Iraq, Yemen etc., they  too divide us on tribal, ethnic, linguistic and sectarian lines. By doing this, the enemies want to divert the attention of people from the real issues of foreign invasion, occupation, killings, lawlessness, poverty, etc.

Hizb ut Tahrir Wilayah Afghanistan condemn the distribution of weapons, amongst the people of Afghanistan based on ethnicities, in the strongest words, and warns the people not to fall in this bloody trap.

We must all know that the corrupt rulers, as always, are loyal to their masters and are working upon their given agendas, against their own people.

The aim behind creating an ethnic and sectarian rift between the people of Afghanistan is to allow this land to be a battle ground for the proxy wars of different power centers like Washington, Moscow, London and Paris, as well as to push Afghanistan again into another civil war, the victims of which will again be the people of Afghanistan.

By consenting and promoting this shameful and dangerous plan, the puppet “dis-unity government” want to prove their unconditional subservience and loyalty to their masters, as a result of which they will continue their ruling at the expense of the lives of people.


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