Another Scandal For Al-Mustaqbal Movement And Rifi

download2KABUL: (Middle East Press) According to the report, the video of torture of prisoners and committing the inhumane acts in Roumieh prison was produced at the request of Ashraf Rifi Lebanese Minister of Justice who is one of the elements of al-Mustaqbal party.

In this video, Maronite (Christian) and Sunni (from Tripoli) prisoner officers have tortured some Sunni prisoners.

Disclosure of the video producers’ confessions ruined the reputation of al-Mustaqbal movement and Ashraf Rifi as well.

Ashraf Rifi in coordinated action with Jabhat al-Nusra and Salafi sheikhs has attributed the torture of Sunni prisoners in Roumieh prison to the Shiites and Hezbollah that the confession of the video producers was another scandal for al-Mustaqbal movement.

Rifi’s goal of enmity with resistance movement and Hezbollah was at the request of Saudi Arabia and also to remove his rival Nouhad Machnouk, Lebanon’s Minister of Interior and Municipalities.


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