Al Nusra Front, America’s Final Candidate for Syria

KABUL: (Middle East Press) A US diplomat announced that his country intends to formally support for Jabhat al-Nusra between two Syrian opposition groups as a possible alternative to the government of Bashar in Syria.

CaptureKABUL: (Middle East Press) A US diplomat announced that his country intends to formally support for Jabhat al-Nusra between two Syrian opposition groups as a possible alternative to the government of Bashar in Syria.

He also said that Jabhat al-Nusra only uses the Syrian forces then possibility of interaction with this group would be more. It is said that Al-Nusra chief Abu Mohammed Al Jolani was briefed on how to behave with with America, Israel and other countries in the region.

This is while Iran and Russia’s Support for Syria’s Bashar al-Assad is the most important obstacle facing America in this way because from Iran and Russia’s point of view there is no difference between ISIS and Al-Nusra in terms of belief and behavior.

Israel also as an America’s most important ally in the region has developed good relations with Al-Nusra forces in southern Syria which it suggests Israel’s association and agreement with America’s project.


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