Ahmad Faisal Begzad Appointed as the Governor of Badakhshan

Ahmad Faisal BegzadKABUL: (Middle East Press) According to the Independent Directorate of Local Governance (IDLG) and the submission of President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani, Gen. Ahmad Faisal Begzad was appointed as the governor of Badakhshan.

IDLG posted on their website that Ahmad Faisal Begzad highly educated and has enough experience in governance.

According to IDLG, the Presidential Palace has approved the position of Begzad and acts instead of Shah Wali Ullah Adib on the governor of Badakhshan as a high ranking official.

Begzad is a resident of ‘Khataayan village of Talqan district in Takhar province who previously served as the governor of Faryab and Takhar provinces.


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