ISIS Cells Plan Attacks In Europe & Russia

ISIS terror groupsKABUL: (MEP) terror cells led by Chechen recruiter Akhmed Chetayev planning terrorist attacks in Europe and Russia, a Russian intelligence official reports.

Andrey Przhezdomsky, spokesman for the National Anti-Terrorism Committee of Russia, said on Friday that former Iraqi army officers are taking part in training terrorists to attack Russia.

“Russian special services have intelligence that certain IS groups are preparing terrorist attacks in Russia and European nations,” Przhezdomsky, warned. “In particular, a battalion formed mainly from recruits from North Caucasus headed by Akhmed Chetayev, nicknamed One-Handed.”

Chetayev’s group reportedly includes dozens of people born in Russia’s southern republics who traveled to Syria to join the ranks of Islamic State (IS)

Przhezdomsky also said Russian border guards and security forces are doing their best to stop the flow of terrorists to and from Syria through Turkey. “In 2015, we stopped more than 100 Russian citizens from leaving [Russia] to join the ranks of militants.”

“Russian intelligence agencies have recently arrested a group of four militants returning from Syria who were planning to conduct a terrorist attack in one of Russia’s major cities.” He further noted.

The group entered Russia legally, found a safe house and purchased parts for making improvised explosive devices, unaware that they were being followed by Russian agents.

“They were arrested and are awaiting trial,” Przhezdomsky said.

Russia began its airstrikes against the positions of ISIS terrorists and other militant groups in Syria upon a request by the government in Damascus since September 30 last year.


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