‘Netanyahu Responsible for The Current Crisis In Israel’: Herzog

KABUL: (MEP) Leader of opposition and Zionist Union MK Isaac Herzog sharply rebuked Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a ceremony observed on remembrance of twentieth death anniversary of Former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s. Herzog accused Netanyahu of poor leadership in comparison to Rabin.

3385630709KABUL: (MEP) Leader of opposition and Zionist Union MK Isaac Herzog sharply rebuked Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a ceremony observed on remembrance of twentieth death anniversary of Former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s. Herzog accused Netanyahu of poor leadership in comparison to Rabin.

“All of your actions, all of your speeches, decisions are full of fear which are deep and polarizing,” the opposition leader said.

He further said, “As opposed to Mr. Rabin’s leadership, yours is about ‘to whom can I defer responsibility today.”

Herzog added that the prime minister was also responsible for the current wave of terrorism.

“You have been prime minister for almost 10 years and you’re still blaming Rabin, who was assassinated 20 years ago for the contemporary problems faced by country.”

Herzog charged, “Jerusalem has been divided only during your tenure and not under Peres or Rabin. Only you are responsible.”

“For the past month, there hasn’t been a safe & secure place in the country. There are no leftist scapegoats you can blame. Rabin tried to prevent Israel from becoming ‘Israstine’, and you, from up on the balcony, heard that they were calling him a traitor. Then the three gunshots were fired, and Yitzhak Rabin was murdered,” Herzog while aiming his remarks at the prime minister, said, “Expect that your fate will be the same. Today the world condemns you and identifies you as war criminal. Europe Union sanctions and tensions with America are caused due to Netanyahu’s incompetence”, Herzog said.


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