Sharaf Al-Din Al-Sisi From Ghana

index6KABUL: (Middle East Press) Recording to our Reporter in Iraq, Sharaf Al-Din Al-Sisi was questioned about Arbaeen Walking Effects and here is his answer: “This Walking will affect a lot on Momenin’s souls and it will help us protecting Pure Islam.” He continued: “this crowd is watching lots of people participating in this event and this will rise a question: What is the purpose? What gathers all these people here?  And the answer is “The Oppressed Ahlulbait”

Allah predestined such that the human Guiding Light will be available by the way of Ahlulbait.

Sharaf Al-Din Said that his goal was serving the participants of this walking ceremony.

2nd question:

Why Western Mass media does not cover this ceremony?

Al-Sisi replied: Mass media in the west boycott this ceremony and even Arabic Media follow the western allies. We will do our best to show a part of this big event to the world, God willing….


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