Chinese Vice President Arrived in Kabul, Signed Three Cooperation Agreements

China's vice presidentKABUL: (Middle East Press) China’s Vice President Li Yuanchao arrived in Kabul on Tuesday morning and is expected to meet with Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and other high ranking officials of National Unity Government (NUG).

The visiting Chinese vice president held wide-ranging discussions with Afghan leaders over several matters, including counter-terrorism and economic cooperation.

The Chinese government also pledged few months ago to facilitate Afghan government’s peace talks with Taliban.

Leading a high ranking government delegation, Chinese Vice-President Li Yuanchao signed three important agreements with Afghanistan in the areas of security, Reconstruction and education.

President Ashraf Ghani said at the event that China will build 10,000 apartments for the families of victims of Afghan Army and Police.

China once again promised to provide the Afghan students with 1,500 scholarships next year, Ghani continued.

The cost of china’s recent commitments is estimated about 72 million dollars, according to reports.

This comes as China seeks more presence and power in Afghanistan and tries to have more significant role in the development programs of Afghanistan by its economic power.



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