The Unreleased Details Regarding Especial Mission “Safar” Yemen Army Against Trespassing Forces

12042146_958300710897716_766667396_nKABUL: (Middle East Press) The specific sources of News Agency “Al-Ahd Al-Yaminiah” has provided full report regarding successful and proud operations of “Safar” in the province of Ma’areb, in the east of Yemen.

According to this report, around two months before the operation the opposing forces were mounting a huge and comprehensive offensive with the end of finalizing the occupation of the capital of Yemen “San’a”, with this in mind they commenced recruiting Yemini and non-Yemini Tikfiri forces and training them in Arabian Army Bases within the proximity of Yemen borders. Meanwhile, with theses preparations, they have brought about heavy media attacks and psychological pressures.

Two weeks before the due time of operation, the raiders have penetrated through the border point “Al-Vadi-e” in the town of “Al-Abar” in the province of “Hazarmoot” in Yemini soil and moved toward the “Safar” base type 107 in the province of Ma’reb in the east of San’a capital.

These forces comprise 4,800 Yemini nationals from Salafi radical forces, 2,000 soldiers from different nationals (Pakistani, Afghan, etc), and 800 Emirate especial forces (Al-Khalifeh) as well as plenty of Arabian forces and a few Bahrainis.

These forces settled in barrack

107 and have had 900 American developed tanks and other pieces of defensive arms and 20 American Apachees.

However, Yemini army forces and the committees of people who had dominant intelligence over the manoeuvres of the strikers were ready facing the attackers.

Yemeni intelligence army forces have reported accurate information to Yemeni army about the logistics and arsenals of the assailants from within the barrack and it was the first step in the dominance of Yemenis in this achievement.

A few days later, Arabia has announced that San’a would have been conquered within 72 hours later, but Yemeni army have failed this operation through a successful attempt.

On Friday September 4, the order of the fire of two Russian Ballistic “Toochka” missiles to the assailants’ barracks was given. These two missiles were fired from a desert area outside the town of “Beyhan” from the district of “Shabooh” in the South of “Ma’reb” province by Shabooh base 19 forces to a specific geographical location that has been given to Yemeni forces formerly, which with the avail of God have accurately hit the target.

By this strike, 150 were killed by the first missile and 300 more were injured by the second missile, but the second missile which hit the arsenal boosted the number of the killed and the wounded. In addition, three Apachee planes, three bases of launching missile, and tens of tanks were destroyed.

In the released figure, the number of killed Emirate forces were remarkable which was about 75 killed and 84 wounded including “Ziyad Ben Mohammad Al Zayed” the grandson of the former Emirate chief, Vali Ahd Emareh Alfajireh’s son as well as the chief of the first Emirate base.

Some of the Emirates who fled from the incident to different whereabouts disappeared, which six of them were taken hostage by Al-Qaeda forces.

Safar Operation was so heavy a blow for Emirate that three-day public mourning was announced in country and Barack Obama, the president of USA, sent condolence as sign of sympathy.

But Arabia announced that it’s killed amounted to 10, while it has not announced any number on Yemeni and other Pakistani and Afghan forces. Notwithstanding the consideration that the major number of Tikfiri Yemeni and non-Yemeni forces far outnumber that of Gulf forces, it can be estimated that the official figure of Arabia, Bahrain, and Emirates have manifold differences from the real figure.

The first-hand news from the people who took part in the rescue of the wounded has revealed that no help was given to forces from other nationals whatsoever, and the Arabian forces gave their priority to Gulf wounded over Yemeni ones who were got onto chopper to be transferred to Care Centres when they took them out of plane.

The heavy news media censor not only has covered the details of Safar Operation but also covers the censor of the related news about the arising conflict between Arabia and Emirate due to this incident, but the new sources have stated that the impacts of this conflict will unravel in the days to follow.


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