15 Civilians Killed, Wounded In Daesh Attack In Nangarhar
MEP: Terrorists affiliated with Daesh (ISIS/ISIL) group in Kot district of eastern Nangarhar province, have reportedly launched attacks on civilians and as a result, three civilians were killed and 12 others wounded.
Press office of Nangarhar province, said in a statement the incident happened on Friday at 9:00 am in See-Paye and Pandok areas after the terrorists attacked civilians’ homes and opened fire on them.
The militants then launched attacks on security posts and were faced with security forces resistance, the statement said, adding that at least 30 members of the terrorist group were killed in the conflict and a number of their bodies remained in the area.
Nangarhar province is one of the insecure provinces of the country where Daesh members officially present in a number of its districts and are freely operating against civilians and security forces.