12 Infiltrators Killed At Jordanian-Syrian Border

KABUL: (MEP) Jordanian border forces have killed at least 12 alleged infiltrators who attempted to enter the country from neighboring Syria.

In addition several others were wounded in an armed border battle with 36 people, according to officials.

The fighting took place when the group, some of them armed, tried to cross into Jordan from Syria, an official with the country’s armed forces general command said on Saturday, adding that Jordanian forces also confiscated over two million pills of narcotics during the clashes.

The official however, did not release any reports on Jordanian forces casualties.

According to the kingdom’s military website, Jordan regularly intercepts smugglers attempting to cross into the country, noting that following the Saturday incident, several of the infiltrators fled back into Syria.

Officials did not elaborate on the exact location of the shooting battle.

The armed battle was reportedly the deadliest such incident on Jordan-Syria border in recent memory.



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