Violence Against Women Increases In Ghor

MEP: Civil society activists and officials in Ghor province say, underage marriage of girls and violence against women in the province have severely increased.

Ghor department officials confirmed the report to the Middle East Press, saying “from the beginning of the year till now 90 cases of violence against women have been registered and most of them were forced-marriage under age.”

According to Masoma Anwari, head of Women’s Affairs in Ghor province, about seventy percent of girls marry without the consent and underage.

She said violence against women and girls is increasing and many girls are sold in exchange for exorbitant dowries or either bartered in exchange for the object.

Meanwhile, Farida Nasseri, head of the human rights of women in Ghor province said most of the girls are betrothed before birth due to unaccepted culture.

However, prosecutor officials with documented cases of forced marriage in the province say insecurity and resolution of local chapters, make it seem less hit.

Sadiq Tanha one of the activists in the province, said “more than 90 percent of women in the province have no access to justice for women and violence have always been victims of women.”

At the same time, supporters of women’s organizations in the province say insecurity, poverty, the existence of patriarchy, low level of education and traditional culture are among the causes of violence against women and forced marriages of underage.


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