Teen Girl Commits Suicide In Ghor Province

KABUL: (MEP) Local officials reported that a 10 year old girl has committed suicide in central Ghor province.

murderKABUL: (MEP) Local officials reported that a 10 year old girl has committed suicide in central Ghor province.

The reports indicate that the teen girl was forced into early engagement without her consent and approval. However, other sources suggest that she ended her life due to extreme poverty.

A local security official said the incident took place Wednesday morning in Shahrak-e-Muhajireen area.

Police security confirmed the incident and has meanwhile launched an investigation to discover the main reason behind the girl’s decision.

Violence against women and girls has been rampant in the country during the recent months which led to forceful actions such as committing suicide and hanging.

Ministry of Public Health of Afghanistan (MoPH) earlier recorded over 9,000 suicide attempt cases in late 2014.

MoPH officials said 4,466 cases of poisoning and 707 cases of burns were recorded in the capital, while 4,136 cases of burns were recorded in the provinces during a period of one year.


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