Security Forces Retake Helmand’s Nawa Despite Ongoing War

MEP: The Afghan security forces have managed to retake the office buildings of Nawa district of Helmand province, but the war is going badly around it, an official said.

Nasima Niazi, an MP from Helmand by stating the report to the Middle East Press, said security forces this morning evicted the district’s buildings from the armed Taliban control.

Pushing back the Taliban, the security forces managed to recapture the district and police chiefs, but heavy clashes ongoing around the district, she added.

Mrs Niazi stated that the security forces are trying to completely cleanse the district of Nawa from the existence of the armed Taliban.

According to Niazi, fierce fighting also continuing in Sangin, Khanshin and near the town of Lashkar Gah.

The armed Taliban have reached to the second police district of Lashkar Gah and its 5 km of the provincial capital, and surrounded the city Lashkar Gah from four sides, she noted.

Inactivity of telecom companies:

On the other hand, due to lack of activities of telecommunication companies in Helmand, none of the resources of the state, local and provincial media are available in the province.

Niazi says Taliban has warned telecommunication companies, and they have stopped their activity in the province.

This approach of Telecommunication networks has created many problems for the people and the security forces because the security forces in remote areas cannot communicate by radio, with its headquarters.


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