Saudi Arabia Admits It Used Cluster Bombs In Yemen

MEP: Saudi Arabia has finally admitted to the use of banned cluster bombs during its persistent airstrikes on Yemen against civilians and Jihadi groups, a military official said.

A spokesman for the Saudi forces in Yemen, Ahmed al-Asiri, said on Monday “it has become apparent that there was limited use by the coalition of the UK-manufactured BL755 cluster munitions in Yemen.”

The decision to stop using the cluster bombs follows an internal Saudi investigation conducted in discussion with the UK. Saudi officials said it had only been completed last week.

“Some states have undertaken a commitment to refrain from using cluster munitions by becoming party to the 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions. Neither Saudi Arabia nor its coalition partners are state parties to the 2008 convention, and accordingly, the coalition’s use of cluster munitions does not violate the obligations of these states under international law,” he said.

Shadow Defence Minister Wayne David replied: “The latest revelation about UK-made cluster munitions being used by the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen is deeply worrying.


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