11140364_749410431834551_1418213958531122325_nKABUL: (Middle East Press) Afghan hero Essa Khan who has killed all the suicide attackers of yesterday’s assault on parliament, has been awarded a new home by President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani.

President Ghani invited Essa Khan to his office and awarded him a new home for his bravery, Tuesday afternoon.

“I’ve invited our hero, Mr. Esa Khan to my office. I’m so proud of his resolve and heroism. Awarded him a new home,” President Ghani said in a tweet this morning.

On the other hand, the members of the parliament have also asked government to give a promotion to Mr Khan and they have promised cash reward for him.

Essa Khan, a soldier from the Afghan National Army, winded up Taliban attack on parliament yesterday.

He has personally killed six of the insurgents, said it was a proud day for him that he could defend his country to this extent.

“I am very happy to be alive and proud I could defend my country,” he said adding “I was prepared to defend my country with every drop of blood in me”.


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