Police Arrests Senior Taliban Leader In Kunduz

gunKABUL: (MEP) The Afghan military on Tuesday arrested a top Taliban leader during clearance operation in northern Kunduz province, officials said.

The Ministry of Defense announced that at least 3 anti-government armed militants were also killed in the operations conducted in Bagh-e-Sherkat area located in the central parts of Kunduz province.

Separately, the Afghan Army raided a terrorist hideout in northeastern Badakhshan province, seizing 50 rounds of SPG9 rockets from Baharak district, according to the ministry.

Meanwhile, the Afghan armed forces also discovered and defused an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) planted near the security commandment of Baharak district.

It’s worth mentioning that Afghan security forces are trying day and night to bring security in the country putting their lives in risk attacking the anti-government militants.


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