No More Pakistani Medicines Import in Afghanistan: ACCI

546c6b1875ed1KABUL: (Middle East Press) Medicines that are import from Pakistan will be disqualified after a number of deadly attacks and bombings in capital Kabul that killed and wounded hundreds of people, the Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Industries (ACCI) announced on Friday.

The decision was collectively taken by ACCI and Medicine Importing Companies’ Union in Kabul.

A demonstration is also due for Kabul on Saturday by ACCI and the Union of Medicine Importing Companies to protest against the involvement of Pakistani military and intelligence agencies in recent Kabul attacks.

A statement released by ACCI states that Medicine Importing Companies’ Union and ACCI while extremely condemning the recent terrorist attacks took place in Kabul that caused civilian casualties and financial losses to private sector that surely are managed and conducted by Pakistani military, announce that henceforth will never import Pakistani medicines.

This comes as Kabul witnessed a string of deadly attacks carried out by the militant groups during the past one week which left scores of people dead or wounded.

The Afghan Intelligence – National Directorate of Security (NDS) said Wednesday that specific elements within the Pakistani army was behind the deadly attacks in capital Kabul, apparently gesturing towards the country’s military intelligence – Inter Services Intelligence (ISI).

NDS spokesman Haseeb Sediqi told reporters that the attacks were carried out by the elements of the Pakistani army with the help of their mercenaries – Haqqani terrorist network.

The former Afghan President Hamid Karzai called on United States and the West not to support Pakistan’s military intelligence – Inter Services Intelligence (ISI), blaming it for sponsoring terrorism in Afghanistan.

Speaking among the gathering of Afghans youths to celebrate the International Youth Day, the former Afghan President said politicians and military leaders of the United States, United Kingdom and other countries admitted in the past that Pakistan’s military intelligence is the founder and sponsor of terrorism.

Karzai further added that the US and Western leaders must stop supporting the sponsors of terrorism if they agree with the fact that ISI is supporting terrorism in the region.


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