Modi And Ghani Inaugurated New Parliament

KABUL: (MEP) President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani warmly welcomed Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Kabul Friday morning where both officially inaugurated the newly-built Afghan parliament building.

535313_908687312540845_7646843918761176608_nKABUL: (MEP) President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani warmly welcomed Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Kabul Friday morning where both officially inaugurated the newly-built Afghan parliament building.

Calling India and Afghanistan’s friendship antiquated and “bound by a thousand ties”, Ghani thanked India for its “valuable assistance” as Afghanistan weathers “hard times”.

“Pleased to welcome PM Modi to Kabul. Though, India & Afghanistan need no introduction, we are bound by a thousand ties… We have stood by each other in the best and worst of times,” Ghani tweeted.

The new parliament building was inaugurated in the presence of Abdul Rauf Ibrahimi, Speaker of the Lower of House Parliament (Wolesi Jirga) and Abdul Hadi Muslimyar, Chairman of the Afghan Senate House – Upper House of Parliament.

India funded the new building, which cost an estimated $90 million USD to build.

One of the key features of the new parliament building is its dome which is said to be one of the largest among the parliaments in Asia.

Ghani and Modi toured the parliament building and arrived at the main session hall in the presence of the guests, including member of the Afghan parliament.


“It will stand as an enduring symbol of the ties of emotions and values, of affection and aspirations that bind us in a special relationship,” the prime minister said.

“The great Afghan people waged an epic struggle of courage and resolve to shape their future with vote and debate and not gun and violence.”

Modi said he stands on behalf of “1.25 billion friends in India in admiration for your achievements and in gratitude for your friendship.”

He said the day was special as it was former prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s birthday, adding he was “deeply touched” that a block in the new building was named ‘Atal block’.

The Parliament building project, initially conceived to cost 45 million, was started by India in 2007 as a mark of friendship and cooperation to help rebuild Afghanistan.

Speaker of the Lower House of Parliament (Wolesi Jirga) Abdul Rauf Ibrahimi thanked the government of India and the Indian people for the gift of the new parliament building.




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