Khamab city under control of Taliban for hours

“Those parts of Khamab city having fallen into the Taliban hands were retaken and during the operation by security forces Taliban were imposed some casualties” the Jawzjan provincial officials said

Mal Paswal Rahmatullah Turkestani, the Jowzjan provincial police commander, told The Middle East Press those villages last night occupied by Taliban were retaken on Monday evening following the clearance operation by security forces.

The security clearance operation left 8 armed Taliban killed and other 10 wounded.

The Jowzjan provincial police commander rejecting Abdulhai Hayat, the Jawzjan provincial council head, statements saying the Khamab city was completely given away to Taliban, told villages of Chubi Tapa and Ghorat having been taken by Taliban last night were retaken following the clearance operation by security forces.

Earlier, Mr. Turkestani in his talk to The Middle East Press confirmed that the public uprising had fled from 5 villages and these villages were controlled by Taliban.

“Khamab city is completely controlled and weapons and army equipment seized” Taliban said in their statement released

Trying to know the Jawzjan provincial council members remarks regarding the clearance of Khamab city, we got nowhere.



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