Justice Demonstration Held in Several Provinces

KABUL: (Middle East Press) A wide popular demonstration of justice meanwhile were held in different provinces of the country over the brutally beheading of seven civilians from Jaghori district of Ghazni province.

12233508_10207407131032482_36445385_nKABUL: (Middle East Press) A wide popular demonstration of justice meanwhile were held in different provinces of the country over the brutally beheading of seven civilians from Jaghori district of Ghazni province.

Media reports suggest that residents of Mazar-e-sharif Thursday morning in the north and the citizens of Herat in the west were carrying slogans and photos of beheaded victims all over the areas protesting against such atrocity.

Moreover, the people of Bamyan, Daikundi and some Afghans in Quetta, Pakistan have announced the launch protests demanding a fatal punishment for the perpetrators of crime and showed hatred for terror groups such as Taliban militants and Islamic State (IS) or Daesh.

The residents of Mazar-e-Sharif in Balkh carrying images of the victims have criticized from the performance of Mohammad Mohaqeq, Second Vice of President Ghani and have emphasized that Mohaqeq is no longer their leader.

Furthermore, the residents in Herat, Bamyan and Daikundi showed their angry and raised their voice by saying “Death to Taliban” Death to Daesh”.



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