Indian Consulate Not Targeted In Jalalabad Blast

KABUL: (MEP) UPDATED: An explosion has reportedly rocked Jalalabad city on Tuesday some 400 meters away from the Indian Consulate in the city, right two days after five gunmen launched attack on Indian Consulate in Mazar-e-sharif.

indian cousulateKABUL: (MEP) UPDATED: An explosion has reportedly rocked Jalalabad city on Tuesday some 400 meters away from the Indian Consulate in the city, right two days after five gunmen launched attack on Indian Consulate in Mazar-e-sharif.

Ataullah Khogyani said, the explosives were placed in a garbage can, adding that a police convoy had been passing when the blast went off.

However, New Delhi officials said that the mission was not the target of the blast.

“The Indian Consulate was not the target, a source said dismissing reports that the explosion was targeted at the Indian consulate.”

None has been hurt in the blast fortunately.

Another sources suggest that Pakistan Consul General’s house in Jalalabad was closer to the blast site than the Indian consulate.

The blast follows an intense 25-hour gun-battle between security forces and the insurgents outside the Indian Consulate in Mazar-e-Sharif which has successfully ended on Monday night with the killing of all the attackers who attempted to storm the Mission building.

The attack was initiated Sunday night.


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