_73989074_73989073KABUL: (Middle East Press) Afghanistan’s first Vice President, Gen. Abdul Rashid Dostum has said that Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) is behind the ongoing violence across Afghanistan.

Gen. Dostum, who is in Faryab province for almost three weeks to coordinate military operations against the insurgents, said on Saturday that Pakistan was able to put an end to Afghanistan’s war if it remained honest in this respect.

The Pakistani military generals and the country’s powerful military intelligence, Inter service Intelligence (ISI) are plotting and coordinating attacks across Afghanistan, under the name of al Qaeda, Islamic State affiliates and Taliban militants, he added.

According to Gen. Dostum, the ongoing violence in Afghanistan could end only if Pakistan’s military and ISI truly cooperate with the Afghan government.

However, he promised that as long as the province is not cleared of insurgents, he will not return to Kabul.

Dostum has reportedly planned to conduct massive operations in Almar, Qaisar and Ghormach districts.

“After clearing this province, I will present my report to the national security council. My next plan is Kunduz if the Security Council agrees and the president orders. And after I clear Kunduz, I will leave to Badakhshan,” he added.

Meanwhile, he stressed the need for continued support of international troops to the Afghan forces.


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