Efforts Proceeding To Free Hostages In Zabul

KABUL: (Middle East Press) efforts have been made by a number of officials and local community elders of southern Zabul province in a bid to trace and free the group of civilians kidnapped by armed men on Saturday.

downloadKABUL: (Middle East Press) efforts have been made by a number of officials and local community elders of southern Zabul province in a bid to trace and free the group of civilians kidnapped by armed men on Saturday.

Afghan security forces, meanwhile launched operation and raided some suspected areas but did not find the hostages, according to reports.

The operation is ongoing in the areas.

Conflicting reports have been published about number of the hostages, some state they were 30, some suggest 20 and some other then put it at 14 however, the specific number is still unclear.

The kidnapping took place when a group of armed men stopped several vehicles of civilians on gun point in Nawrak area of Qalat, the provincial capital of Zabul, and abducted them.

No group has so far claimed responsibility for the abduction.


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