Afghan Refugees Paid 100s Millions Of Dollars In 2015 To Have Peaceful Life In Europe

KABUL: (MEP) Around 150,000 Afghans have paid nearly 1.8 billion dollars in 2015 to be smuggled into their destination and to have a peaceful life in Europe that is facing unprecedented refugee crisis, officials said Thursday.

afghansKABUL: (MEP) Around 150,000 Afghans have paid nearly 1.8 billion dollars in 2015 to be smuggled into their destination and to have a peaceful life in Europe that is facing unprecedented refugee crisis, officials said Thursday.

On an average each asylum seekers had to send $6,000 to $20,000 for their journey to Europe, according to estimates by Afghan’s Refugees and Repatriations Ministry.

Most of the arrivals took place in Germany, Islamuddin Jurat, the ministry’s spokesman said.

The higher rate of immigration from Afghanistan comes among poor job prospect and worsening security after most of international troops left the country last year.

More than a million refugees from across the world entered Europe this year risking an unsafe journey that saw thousands getting killed or disappeared.

This comes as the government officials have been repeatedly called on youths to stay in their country and build their future here by committing together and defeat the enemies of their nation. However, the departure rate has soared in the past few months.


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