Afghan Reciters Among 58th International Quran Competitions In Malaysia

13115890_1173491106050141_896994775_nMEP: The fifty-eight international tournament preservation and recitation of the Holy Quran attended by dozens of reciters from different countries including Afghanistan was opened at the Putra World Trade Centre of Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia.

The tournament was opened Monday night where Jamil Khir Baharom, Secretary of the Prime Minister and the Malaysian Minister of Religious Affairs were also presented.

Reciters from 68 countries will compete in this tournament and on Wednesday night the country’s reciter will recite the Holy Quran with reciters from Philippines, Bangladesh and Iran.

The event continues until the next Saturday evening.

Baharom, with particular emphasis on the credibility of any information by Muslims, demanded the exclusion of publishing materials that are slander and hostility.

He stressed new technologies, if exploited can now create major consequences and challenges human values and mutual respect.

A total of 17 referees from Egypt, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Lebanon, Jordan, Indonesia, Brunei, Thailand and Malaysia are judging this international tournament.

The first prize of this tournament in men and women reciting is a gold bar worth 18 thousand dollars and 10 thousand dollars in cash.




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