Afghan Forces To Receive Germany’s Continued Assistance

150902hannemannKABUL: (Middle East Press) The commander of NATO-led Resolute Support Mission Brigadier General Andreas Hanneman said on Monday that Germany will continue to provide support and assistance to Afghanistan for the next ten years.

The alliance troops have struggled to boost war capability of the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) in an effort to enable them handle insurgent threats, he added.

As Taliban’s insurgency gathers momentum in northern Afghanistan, NATO has also reaffirmed its longstanding support to the Afghan security forces to help them in tackling threats from the insurgent groups.

“First of all its fun, and it’s really fun to work together with 22 nations because it’s simply a huge experience I never had before in the size especially directly under my command.” He said.

German forces contribute a large percentage of Resolute Support mission troops based in northern Afghanistan. In a new development, German commander has pledged the alliance’s long term cooperation to Afghan forces.

“Afghanistan is a country to where we have the longest lasting relationship that started even in the First World War. It was continued through the Second World War even and it stayed after the war,” Hanneman stated.

Currently, 850 German soldiers serve in Afghanistan with the majority of them deployed in northern provinces particularly in Balkh.



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