Saudi Aggression Inflicted Over $14 Billion In Damage To Yemen’s Infrastructures

Yemen's economic loss due to Saudi's aggressionMEP: According to a confidential report by Reuters, air strikes bomber by Saudi-led forces has inflicted more than 14 billion dollars in Yemen’s economy and infrastructure. While half the people in Yemen suffer from malnutrition.

“The conflict has so far resulted in damage (still partial and incomplete) of almost $7 billion and economic losses (in nominal terms) of over $7.3 billion in relation to production and service delivery,” said report by the World Bank, United Nations, Islamic Development Bank and European Union.

According to Reuters, the 16-month war has killed more than 6,500 people, displaced more than 2.5 million and caused an ongoing humanitarian catastrophe in the country.

The Preliminary Damage and Needs Assessment report is an internal working document that is not being publicly released.

“These preliminary findings are not only partial, but also evolving because the conflict is ongoing,” the report said.

According to Reuters, Yemen’s education ministry said 1,671 schools in 20 governorates have been damaged. Based on assessment, the damage was estimated at $269 million.

In Taiz, Yemen’s third-largest city, the public health system has nearly collapsed, with half the public hospitals damaged or unusable and out of service.

“There has been a surge in civilian mortality as an indirect consequence of the incessant conflict and Saudi air strikes in Yemen,” the report of International institutions said.

The assessment was conducted between late 2015 and early this year.

The report could assess residential damage only in the cities of Sanaa, Aden, Taiz and Zinjibar, and data collection procedure was cut off in Oct. 2015.


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