Taliban Seizes Sangin District In Helmand

KABUL: (MEP) Taliban militants have reportedly seized Sangin district of southern Helmand province last night.

Taliban-militantsKABUL: (MEP) Taliban militants have reportedly seized Sangin district of southern Helmand province last night.

Zabiullah Mujahid, Spokesman for Taliban said the government compounds including several police headquarters have fallen to Taliban’s’ hands around 8pm.

Taliban had regularly threatened to capture the district, however despite repeated calls by local authorities and asking for help, no attention has been paid in this regard.

In an online message posted on his official “facebook” account, Mohammad Jan Rasoulyar pleaded to the President to intervene and save Helmand.

He said around 90 Afghan soldiers lost lives in past two days in Sangin and Girishk districts and more would fall prey if the situation goes out of control.

Meanwhile, Hashim Alkozai Helmand’s Senator says around 400 Afghan National Army and local police are surrounded at the army base in Sangin district and the Taliban have closed all roads leading to the area.


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