Car Bomb Blast Leaves 12 Injured In Nangarhar

KABUL: (Middle East Press) At least 12 people were injured in an explosion in eastern Nangarhar province.

5CEF9FA5-4E20-4F6F-A8B9-85E4B8C516F2_cx0_cy7_cw0_w800_h450KABUL: (Middle East Press) At least 12 people were injured in an explosion in eastern Nangarhar province.

The incident occurred in Surkh Road district around 5:30am after a car bomb exploded near the district governor’s compound.

Ata ullah Khogyani, Nangarhar governor’s spokesman said the blast left 12 injured including three security assigned.

Around 25 shops and some parts of security compound building were also damaged following the attack, he added.

According to sources, the injured have been shifted to the hospitals and medical centers.

No group has so far claimed responsibility for the attack.


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