First Vice President Seeks To Cut Ties With Pakistan

Abdul Rashid DostumKABUL: (Middle East Press) Afghanistan’s first Vice President Abdul Rashid Dostum seeks to cut diplomatic relations with Pakistan whom he said had not been honest with Afghanistan in counter-terrorism efforts during the past 14 years.

Expressing these statements while being on the frontline in Faryab, Dostum urged that Afghans should not be deceived by Pakistan anymore.

“We should have a clear and serious stance. If Pakistan is playing with us for many years, we must also cut our diplomatic relations with them,” Dostum said, following soured relations between the two neighboring countries.

Furthermore, he stressed the need for mobilization of citizens against the enemies of Afghanistan. He however denied speculations that he is making militia groups in the north. “Those who make these statements are very short-sighted people.”

These statements come as the CEO’s Office has warned Pakistan that if it fails to dismantle terrorist sanctuaries, Afghanistan will – with the help of the international community – directly hit militant hideouts on the other side of the Durand Line.

Speaking to Pajhwok Afghan News, the CEO’s Cultural Advisor, Sayed Aqa Hussain Fazel Sancharaki, said that the Afghan National Unity Government’s stance is clear toward neighboring countries especially Pakistan.

He said: “We often told Pakistan to demonstrate sincerity in fighting against terrorism otherwise Afghan security forces are capable to eliminate militants’ sanctuaries inside and outside the country.”

Relations between Kabul and Islamabad have soured considerably in the past few weeks, especially after Afghan intelligence sources accused Pakistan’s Inter-Service Intelligence (ISI) of carrying out the spate of attacks against Kabul – attacks that left almost 50 people dead and over 400 wounded.

Following mounting criticisms against the government of Pakistan, the Afghan Ambassador to Pakistan, Janan Mosazai, was summoned by Islamabad on Wednesday.

Pakistan’s Foreign Secretary Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry while meeting Mosazai conveyed Pakistan’s concerns over the recent spate of allegations leveled against them.


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