Afghan Military Officer Got Indian Hands after Successful Surgery

KABUL: (Middle East Press) According to local media Sunday, an Afghan police officer, who had lost both his hands in a mine explosion in Kandahar province three years back, has got two Indian hands transplanted.

The successful surgery on 30-year-old Captain Abdul Rahim was conducted by a team of 20 surgeons at a super-specialty hospital in the southern Indian state of Kerala’s city of Kochi recently.

The doctors displaced the hands of a 54-year-old brain dead accident victim on the Afghan officer by connecting bones, arteries, veins and tendons.

Dr Subramaniam Iyer, who led the surgery said that Rahim has regained considerable amount of function of both his hands using them for day-to-day activities.

He added: “The patient will need intensive physiotherapy for another nine to 10 months, for which he will have to stay back in Kochi.


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