Washington Cajoles Israel:  It Is Either We Sign The Iran Deal Now, Or It’s War

MEP: Mark E. Langfan, the pro-Israeli New York-based attorney who writes frequently on Middle Eastern affairs and security issues confronting Israel , says Iran nuclear deal sealed last July and the two-state solution are two mischievous lies concocted by American Jewish lobbies to mislead the American public opinion for decades.

Mark E. Langfan

Ben Rhodes, U.S. administration’s deputy national security adviser for strategic communications, also states that the Jewish lobbies believes it is either we sign the Iran deal now, or its war.  It’s now or never.  If we don’t make a deal we’ll be forced into a worse deal later.                                                                               http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/212459#.Vz_jjntcB_N

Ben Rhodes


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