Under The Shadow Of America’s False Cease-Fire In Aleppo

MEP: Cries and groans can still be heard in the ending days of this year’s Islamic calendar in the Syrian city of Aleppo.

No more Cry was supposed to be heard and no more family was supposed to grieve in the shadow of cease-fire!

Terrorists and Takfiris still keep on attacking, fighting, and killing both in Shiite areas and Sunni settlements, and innocent people are being killed under America’s false cease-fire.

The very people who seek peace and life; they want welfare and comfort and are sick and tired of killings as well as getting killed; the people who abhor diabolic and evil-minded terrorists; the people who want pure and kind-hearted Islam and today, like every day in Aleppo and surrounding cities, services in commemoration of the martyrs are held; those who fought against invaders to seek peace and comfort for themselves as well as their families.

People honor and look up to the martyrs every day in such events and pray from the bottom of their hearts in order for the war to end and also to restore peace and welfare.

Before the wars, there was peace and tranquility in the country for years, and they lived together with pure and true Islam.


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