UAE, Saudi Arabia Border Disputes Intensified

uae-55970KABUL: (Middle East Press) Watanserb news agency quoted UAE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Anwar Gargash revealed that recent move by the UAE government to publish official maps of the country, which was also includes part of the territory of Saudi Arabia, caused the crisis and hidden tension between the two countries.

According to the report, the Saudi government is so furious about Emirates’ action on publication of the maps and Emirati government is asked to explain it. But Saudi Arabia which is involved in the Yemen war at present time prefers to enter into negotiations with the UAE and resolves the disputes behind the scenes rather than making a public scene.

Moreover, the death of 70 Emirati troops whom were targeted by Ansar Alla late August caused a wave of protesting amongst citizens of UAE whom are against Emirati participation in the war against Yemen lead by Saudi Arabia.

It is worth noting that in this operation, in addition to the Emirati forces, 5 were from Bahrain and a large number of Saudi forces were killed and wounded as well.


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