Two Suicide Attacks Leave Six Dead In Cameron

9c361d287fcf4225a2bd0b4fd1af4626_18KABUL: (Middle East Press) Suspected Boko Haram militants detonated two suicide bombs in the Central African country of Cameroon killing at least six people, an official and security sources said on Wednesday.

Michel Oumarou, deputy prefect for the northern town of Waza, said that the double bomb blast occurred “last night in Waza in the far north of Cameroon including the three attackers.

Two security sources also confirmed the attack, with one of them pegging the death toll higher at six civilians. A third suicide bomber was killed by security forces before she was able to detonate her bomb, one of the sources added.

Suicide bombings, often carried out by young women recruited by the Islamist militant group in neighbouring Nigeria, are becoming almost daily occurrences in Cameroon’s Far North region.

The country has been targeted by attacks carried out by the Nigeria-based militant group, as the African nation joined an 8,700-strong regional force with soldiers from Chad, Niger, Nigeria, and Benin, to uproot the militants.

The group has pledged allegiance to the Takfiri Daesh terrorist group, which mainly operates in Syria and Iraq.


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