Turkish General Prosecutor: We May Execute Abdullah Öcalan In August

Abdullah Abdullah Öcalan
Abdullah Abdullah Öcalan

MEP: Should Abdullah Abdullah Öcalan, the imprisoned head of the militant Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), asks his followers to start a fresh round of insurgency, Turkish Supreme Court would reconsider his previous verdict, said Turkish general prosecutor Zekeriya Öz.

Mr. Öz made these comments in an annual meeting of Turkey’s provincial prosecutors in Ankara on Thursday, adding that in case Abdullah Öcalan, the legendary Kurdish leader decides to cause a new rebellion in Turkish Kurdish-populated provinces; Turkish judiciary will abolish and ultimately change his life imprisonment to the capital penalty in late August, reported Moscow Times.

Earlier on Wednesday, the jailed Kurdish leader threatened the embattled Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, of supporting Islamist terrorists in Syria and Iraq and further added that Erdoğan’s foreign policies might plunge the whole Middle-East into “a cataclysmic destruction”.

Mr. Öcalan made these remarks from his prison following Turkish air force bombarded positions held by PKK militants in area near Iraq-Turkey border on Wednesday early morning.

Turkish general prosecutor Zekeriya Öz

Erdoğan’s dubious policies in Syria and Iraq might jeopardize Turkey’s own peace process with Kurdish militants. Kurds declared if President Erdoğan continues its current support for extremist organization such as the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), they would end the ceasefire with Turkish army and return to three decades of insurgency which almost claimed 40,000 lives, said Dr. Buhari Munis, a prominent professor in the faculty of Political Sciences at Istanbul University.

Safeen Dizayee, the spokesperson for the government of autonomous Iraqi Kurdistan said that around 5000 Kurdish refugees entered the Iraqi territory, fleeing the atrocities committed by Saudi and Turkish –backed ISIS militants . Dizayee underlined the fact that Turkish government train and equip Islamist cutthroats while preventing humanitarian aid reach Kurdish civilians.

Meanwhile Sergei Rybakov, Russia’s deputy foreign minister criticized Turkey’s pugnacious approach toward its neighbors and accused Erdoğan of trying to revive the infamous Ottoman Empire .

“I think the international community can now discern Erdoğan’s deceptions regarding the creation of a ‘ no-fly zone’ inside Syrian territory ,… that would be a prelude for another disastrous NATO invasions,” Itar-Tass news agency quoted Rybakov as saying .


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