Trump: Clinton May Be ‘Most Corrupt Person Ever’ To Run For President

MEP: Donald Trump’s campaign debuted a dark new attack ad on Tuesday, looking to further its portrayal of Hillary Clinton as a corrupt politician and doubling down on allegations that she grew wealthy through “pay-to-play politics.”

The TV spot hits Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee, on controversies related to her family’s foundation, stating that “staggering amounts of cash poured into the Clinton Foundation from criminals, dictators, countries that hate America” and that “Hillary cut deals for donors.”

Clinton’s charitable foundation has faced intense scrutiny this election over concerns about possible conflicts of interest because it took in money from corporations and foreign governments. Clinton has repeatedly denied, however, that her work as secretary of state was compromised by the foundation’s work or that she gave any special privileges to its donors.

The Clintons have also said that the foundation, which contributes to AIDS relief abroad, among other charitable causes, will cease taking money from corporations and foreign governments if she is elected president.

Still, the ad from the Republican nominee claims that Clinton “sold out American workers, exploited Haitians in need, she even gave American uranium rights to the Russians.”
“Hillary Clinton only cares about power, money and herself,” its voice over concludes.

The advertisement is another instance of Trump, an embattled candidate in an already divisive race, going on the offensive as the presidential campaign enters its final weeks. As Trump trails in the polls and high-profile Republicans abandon him, he has attacked Clinton and her husband’s character, going so far as to bring women who had accused Bill Clinton of sexual misconduct to watch the second debate in St. Louis last weekend.

Some Republicans had called for him to drop out of the race after a 2005 recording emerged showing him bragging about sexual assault last week. But, attacking even Republican establishment figures like Speaker Paul Ryan and Arizona Sen. John McCain, Trump has promised to plow forward, and some observers suggest he has little to lose.


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