Traffic Accident Leaves 23 Dead, Injured In Samangan

Samangan province-Middle East PressMEP:  At least four people were killed and 19 others wounded in a traffic accident in northern Samangan province on Thursday.

Authorities for traffic management in the province say the accident happened at around 12 o’clock on the second day of Eid-Al-Fitr in Kotal Dilkhaki area.

Sarman Abdul-Azim head of traffic management said a number of young people on a vehicle were heading towards Kokabelagh village from Kokzar village when the vehicle overturned and left four people dead, 19 others wounded.

Meanwhile, Dr. Abdul Hamid, head of Samangan Public Health told the Middle East News Agency from the 19 injured six of them are in critical condition have been sent for treatment to Mazar-e-Sharif.



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