Three Dead, Seven Wounded in Pakistani Rockets in Paktika

RocketsKABUL: (Middle East Press) Pakistani military have reportedly fired several rockets in eastern Paktika province killing at least three people and seven others wounded, the Ministry of Interior said.

A statement issued by the Ministry states that the eights rockets landed in Angoor Hada area of the province on Sunday.

Afghan security forces in response fired shots which, according to Pakistani media reports, were five in number.

There are no reports regarding the victims of whether they were civilians or security forces.

However, clashes still ongoing between the two sides.

This is the latest in a series of cross border shelling that has been a factor of tense relations between the two neighboring countries.

Pakistani shells have left scores killed or injured while it has left thousands of families displaced in Afghanistan in recent years. However, the latest comes after months of relatively calmness.


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