Thousands Protest in Kabul against the Brutally Killing of 7 Zabul Victims

12231519_970560896335541_1100423030_nKABUL: (Middle East Press) Thousands of enraged citizens have poured to the streets of the city in protest against the killing and brutally beheading of seven civilians by ISIL or Daesh extremists in southern Zabul province.

The protestors faced wet and chilly conditions to condemn the violently act by the militants who kidnapped the civilians a few months ago while they were traveling between Ghazni and Zabul provinces.

The bodies of the victims included two women, a child and four men were sent to their families on Tuesday, according to reports.

Angry protesters – carrying the coffins – accused government of having neglected the victims after they were kidnapped.

They warned they will not remain calm on what they said was a barbaric act.

The protesters are now moving towards the Presidential Palace (ARG) where they will urge government to bring the perpetrators of the atrocity to judiciary.

The protesters shout out slogans “Death to Taliban” “Death to Daesh”

The protesters are belonging to different tribes of Afghanistan including Pashtoon, Hazaras, Tajik, and Uzbek.



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