The Saudi Crown Prince: Draconian Measures and Severe Punishments Expected for Those Who Publish Wikileaks Leaked Documents

11655346_917459318315189_1278025342_nKABUL: (Middle East Press) Muhammad bin Nayef, the Saudi Crown Prince, declared that publishing any of classified Saudi documents by Wikileaks whistleblower is considered a crime and wrongdoers will convicted to high treason.

The Saudi monarch ordered a special committee to address the political consequences of recent publication of thousands of classified Saudi Foreign Ministry documents by the transparency advocate site WikiLeaks.

The committee which is chaired by Saudi crown prince includes other high-ranking officials such as the heads of General Intelligence Directorate and Saudi’s notorious secret police –known as Mabaheth – and representatives from the Saudi royal court and Defense Ministry.

According to our well-informed sources, one of the first resolutions adopted by this committee is the restriction on publishing the Saudi Foreign Ministry cables, moreover Saudi citizens who found guilty will be sentenced to severe punishments.

In the meantime, the Saudi octogenarian king will soon send emissaries to United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany and Japan to urge the heads of governments to help the beleaguered Saudi regime prevent the unabatting waves of angry public opinion.

The Saudi officials have blocked all websites which contain any parts of wikileaks leaked documents to avoid further public indignation.


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