The Reactions to the Speech of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah: Neutrality is Impossible after today

KABUL: (Middle East Press) The reaction to Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah’s speech on the anniversary festival of resistance was dramatically different between a conservative view and a welcoming one. Secretary General of Hezbollah discussed several political issues, most notably the existential battle in the Middle East in front of the monsters that that threaten the region.

“The project that threatens the region and their societies is this barbaric Takfiri project that ISIS is represent in brutality toward all that is civilized or humane,” Nasrallah said.

He also referred to the political Titles that Western countries are trying through them to avoid the terrorist nature of them.

Meanwhile Saad al-Hariri, the former Prime Minister said in remarks ignored the role of the resistance in confronting terrorism “that there is no authority that can protect Lebanon, stronger than the unity of the Lebanese and Lebanese government”.

This response came after Nasrallah’s remarks on impulsive political behaviour of Lebanese figures to the threat of terrorist groups that threatens stability in Lebanon.

Remarking on Yemeni crisis Nasrallah added, “This aggression on Yemen could not achieve any of its goals because it is fighting he Yemeni army and the resistance and its people”.

Political aftershocks of Nasrallah’s speech moved Arab media to minimize the importance of the axis of resistance capabilities in combating terrorism. While another ones tried to show a distort victory messages of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah’s speech.

Nasrallah’s response to the allegations of some political parties in Lebanon to neutralize Lebanon from the crisis in neubouring countries reaffirmed that there is no place for neutrality when the country is facing attempts to crash its political entities.


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