The Battle In Mosul, The Meeting In Baghdad, Complement Strategy

MEP: There is no doubt that we cannot evaluate and interpret these two events separately. The battle in Mosul and city’s liberalization is still in its ongoing process. Political events in Iraq are in consistency and complementary strategy.

Mosul Liberalization process is growing while Baghdad, Iraq’s capital, hosted Islamic Awakening Supreme Council meeting on Saturday.

There is no doubt that we cannot evaluate and interpret these two events separately. The battle in Mosul and city’s liberalization is still going on, On the other hand, political events in Iraq are in consistency and complementary strategy. Secretary-General of the World Assembly of Islamic Awakening and the head of the Supreme Council of Iraq both pointed out the importance of these events happening at the same time at the press conference today in Baghdad.

All Iraqi groups were involved on Mosul battlefield. It is the result of convergence in all Iraqi political arenas. USA doesn’t want Popular Mobilization Forces to cooperate in Mosul Liberalization process or at least make Iraqi forces and its allies less influential in the process. The convergence of Iraqi forces in the field and politics made Turkey worried. Ankara have deployed 150 troops inside Iraq’s borders and insisted them to participate in Mosul Operations but became the main loser in the battle.

Americans were counting on their security evaluation to defeat Mosul Liberalization process such as internal conflicts between Iraqi forces in the political processes and battle, and draw them off the battlefield. Turkey also had hopes to participate in the process and solve its own internal crisis. But all these evaluations failed.

Supreme Council of Iraq hosted Islamic Awakening Supreme Council meeting on Saturday, and has an important message to those who oppose the security and stability of Iraq.

Islamic Awakening Supreme Council meeting was held in the specific time and location. In terms of time coinciding with liberalization of Mosul is significant and shows Iraqi forces integration in politics and battle field. The meeting was held on the geographical location in Baghdad and it was tried to make it insecure. The concept of Islamic Awakening, which was thought to be forgotten in the management of regional developments, is now back with more power in political literature.


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