Taliban take Arghanj-Khah District of Badakhshan

The armed Taliban took control of building of the Arghang-Khah district in Badakhan province after widespread offensive attacks.

According to Middle East Press; local sources and the provincial council of Badakhshan have reported that Arghanj-khah district has fallen by armed Taliban after 20 hours of clashes today (Saturday, March 30).

Meanwhile, Badakhshan governor’s spokesman, Nick Muhammad Nazari, said that there is a fierce conflict over the district’s building.

“Security forces have left the district building and bastioned behind it”, he said.

Nazari said since last two days, an intense battle between the armed Taliban and the security forces is continuing, and seven security forces have died in the battle, and some armed Taliban have also been killed and wounded that do not have accurate statistics.

Badakhshan governor`s spokesman added, due to the poor weather conditions, there was no possibility of airstrikes, and auxiliary forces were deployed to the area.

Meanwhile, local sources say that security forces who were under the siege of Taliban, using night-darkness, escaped from the area and the district is completely collapsed due to lack of auxiliary forces.

The armed Taliban also said they had seized the Arghanj-Khah district completely.

Arghanj-Khah district is located near Faizabad city, the capital of Badakhshan province, and duo to this collapse, concerns about the fall of Badakhshan Capital city have also increased.


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