Taliban ‘Judge’ And ‘Mayor’ Arrested In Takhar

talibanKABUL: (MEP) The National Directorate of Security (NDS) arrested the senior ‘judge’ and the ‘mayor’ of Taliban group in northern Takhar province.

A statement was released by NDS says the two top officials of the Taliban group were detained during a special operation along with 12 other members of the group in Darqad district.

Mawlawi Najib-ur-Rahman alias Mudasir and Khair Andish and Mullah Shukrullah alias Mawlawi Shakur are one of the senior Taliban officials as judge and the mayor of the group were active in the district, according to the statement.

The statement says these people are engaged in destructive activities on behalf of the Taliban and were collecting charity from the people of the district.

Darqad district had been collapsed by Taliban about three months ago but the security forces have successfully managed to retake the district and stepped back the insurgents from the district.


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