Takhar’s Ashkmash District Cleared Of Insurgents

TalibanKABUL: (MEP) Afghan security forces launched a massive military operation led by Dr Zia Shakhs, governor of Takhar province, have jointly purged the district of Ashkmash of Taliban insurgents.

More than 30 Taliban insurgents were killed and 10 others wounded in the operation.

Takhar governor’s press office issued a statement saying that the operation was led by the provincial governor and the governor [himself] fought with insurgents on the front lines.

“The provincial governor has finally fulfilled to his commitments and avenged from the perpetrators of Kabul suicide bombings” the statement added.

Mr Zia, based on President Ghani’s order has personally and bravely managed the war and warned the remaining Taliban insurgents to leave the province.

The clean-up operation of Ashkmash district was launched following the order of the President Ashraf Ghani to suppress Taliban insurgents.


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